Friday, December 4, 2009

We are projecting Mag 2010. It seems a bit overwhelming. If you look at the sex trade as a whole it is crushing. There are layers upon layers to peel back. Guatemala is such a huge starting point. To narrow done our step by step is difficult. There is no fast forward button. No quick way to rescue all the girls from the evil reality that each day for them is grueling. Each day they are bought and sold, bought and sold, purchased, used and brought back for re-sale. There is no end in sight. No light at the end of the tunnel. We must be that light. I am all too aware of the urgency. The faces flood my soul. My mind easily able to relive the horrific stories we heard.
God has given us a vision that seems unbearable. It is daunting. I have heard that God will not give you more than you can bear. This is a lie. We can not possibly bear this burden solo. Without the reality of who He is there is no point of even attempting to try. I am humbled by my incapability and His complete capability through my obedience. I am thankful to be a part of something bigger than myself. Bigger than my realm of comprehension. I am humbled by the opportunity to extend His perfect hope to a level of darkness unrivaled by anything I have seen. I desire to love unabashedly, and to live unselfishly. To challenge the normal and mundane to live for radical change.
To Restore Innocence to the Broken


It has been almost 5 months since we have returned from Guatemala. The girls we interviewed haunt my dreams…..but then life runs like a film, day in and day out. We are not affected here by the devastation that occurs there. We can live comfortably daily and get lost in self….get lost in the season. Each day we do the routine. Whether its family, college, work…its all routine, all the day to day, each routine moment. I believe in the moment, don’t get me wrong, but we forget that the moments here parallel with the horrific truth that the moments these girls experience must seem eternal.
I look at my children as they play, laughing safely. I again am flooded by overwhelming gratitude. I think back to a conversation that I have had several times….why were we chosen to live here? The answer resounds in my soul. We have the ability to perpetuate change. To rescue. To not live our moments in the naïve denial of the reality of our fallen humanity. We have a mandate. We have a call. To bring hope to the hopeless. To be a voice for the voiceless. To reach beyond ourselves.
To Restore Innocence to the Broken