Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day of rest...

we took a sabbatical today...we drove to Antigua which is an incredibly beautiful city that used to be the capital of Guatemala.... the cobble stone pavement was beautiful as was the the view of this city nestled in the middle of mountains and volcanos. great to get out ot the city and into the country..our team really needed the time. i think however, i saw a much different picture. again i was struck by the beauty on the outside, but the depravity on the inside...children everywhere begging. the looks on some of their faces was too much at times. being a mom i guess it touched me different the rest of the team, but all these chidren seemed to be exploited, just in a different way. a little girl with no arms dressed in a pink dress hobbled over to us to beg, the desperation in her eyes was soul wrentching. another little boy so dirty, begging for us to buy his stuff.....i know that this is the point, to make our hearts go out so we are propelled to give, and i know that we are supposed to politey say no thanks and walk away like i see tons of people able to do....but really??? i don't want to be able to not be torn for this. this is the loss of a childhood, a loss of the ability to be taken care of and laugh and giggle and run and play. dang it just shook me. then the pinnacle heart shatterer happened, a woman about 18 or 19 came up with her baby. she began saying something in spanish and pointing to her child. she lifted his little onesie and he had the medical condition that sometimes babies are born with where his belly had an open hemmorage and his organ was outside of his body. the mom had no money to get the bag and medicine to clean it and allow for safe draining. i was stunned...i stood there and a range of emotions shook through my core like a tornado. this would never happen in the U.S. this baby so in need of dirty and vulnerable to infection....a momma desperate to get her baby help. she explained that she had no husband and her mom had just died..we asked her if we could purchase the stuff there that she needed and she had us follow her to the pharmacy...the bag and meds cost us under 20 U.S. dollars....we purchased her some formula and gave her more money to get clothes for the baby, and then we walked away....i was shaken again my core rocked..we walk away??? how?? i know that i can't save everyone in the world, but i also can't just brush off and keep trucking like this woman and baby never happened..someone on the team asked if i felt better because we helped her and i thought....really? no i wanted to shout i don't "feel" better! this baby is hurting and we took care of a minimal need....that is a big stretch to going about my way and feeling like i did something extra special...this is our mandate to help the widow to take care of the poor to protect the oppressed...i don't see this as optional....i pray i can find this baby medical care while i am here. i want try and help him....i am glad i feel this..i get to feel a small part of my very big God, we are the hands and feet of Jesus...i think He would feel the weight of these people..and i know He has never walked away...

In Him,


  1. Praying for you all Kristie! What an incredible journey and experience thus far!

    Love you,
    Nathan Zak

  2. This makes me feel anger, why do some people suffer? and I sit here at my lap top reading about it, belly full of food, good health and have everything I need. My percieved bad days and problems are a joke. Why is it some prosper and live with security and dont realize how lucky we are until you read about others suffering? Why God? Kris I knew as a mother seeing other mothers and children suffer would rock you the most, and I know you have the feeling to save the world. I hink you have that feeling to svae the world because you are so filled with thru Christ I can do all things. Your faith is very strong. But I am glad your husband and team mag are with you so you dont get too overhelmed. God has a message, he has an answer try hard to hear it and not just see the suffering.
    I want to help more with this project, maybe this is why you and I have become friends.
    My power to Team Mag, and I will have you all in my prayers, bu mostly those who you encounter who desperately need the Holy Spirit.
    LESHAY I miss you, stay strong my little brazilian

  3. And I will restore or replace for you the years that the locust has eaten
    Joel 2:25a Amplified

  4. My heart is so saddened about what you all are experiencing .... yet I know that Christ is going to use you all and this trip in AMAZING ways ... HE already has! I am lifting you and Steve up especially .... as you are dealing with everything you encounter. I love you! Remember that "you can do EVERYTHING through Christ who gives you strength"!!!!!!!!! Phil 4:19.
