Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Do they Know?

i step into this church almost in a surreal state. we walk up flights of winding stairs with wooden banisters, the chandeliers are massivce and beautiful. i hear the excited chatter mounting..then we step to the final platform to 75 to 100 college kids. all dressed to the max. they all looked as if they could have been on any cover of any fashion magazine...all hanging out and catching up with their friends. i imagine very much like we do at home. the church you can see right off is different then others here. new and cutting edge, much like the trendy churches in america. instantly i am in a parrallel world. we enter the area of worship and the place fills with young adults...all looking vogue, probably close to 500 end up pouring in. again i am in a state of unbelief. i am struck by the unbelievable contrast. one city yet so different. i can't help but wonder why, or maybe better how could they not know? do they know? as the worship begins i see hands lifted high worshiping...again i think, how can this culture be this way? do they understand what is happening a few blocks away? Have they seen how others in this city live? my judgement rises....how can they allow this to happen and go on about their perfect rich lives while women and children are being tortured and are dying..........my heart turned cold at the reality....why were we here? i wanted to scream at one point, scream do you realize!?!?!! and then i was flooded with a still voice that said remember how I see the earth I created...these are my children as well, you are here to show them. my mind began to real with the possibility. what if this young generation stopped the violence...what if they caught the vision? what if we all caught that vision...God's vision? It dawned on me that we are no different then these people. we sit in our comfortable lives while devestation happens all over..why do i look at it here with such indignation for what hasn't been done in reality what are we all doing to fullfill our mandate. Our call is not an option, how have we made it one? we are all called to help the oppressed period. we are all supposed to fullfill this call. if we do then Gods love can be made real..it was worth Him sending Jesus to die........how much is it worth to you?
In Him,

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