Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Garment of Praise

I can't believe it is time to leave. This week has been so emotionally riveting for all of us. In the midst though it has been amazing how God works. Obviously the crushing pain I felt for the people had to subside in order to function, I had to be able to breathe and refocus... This is what God knew... I was reading and listening to music, and something flooded over me... the garment of praise in my heaviness.. incredible. How can this happen? How can I be at peace? I have seen things that will forever be etched in my mind, I have been broken for a people that I had never met, I had seen depravity defined only by satan himself I had looked into the eyes of desperation that convulsed my soul new scars..... and then again I realize the call, Be a voice for the voiceless, take care of the oppressed, seek justice...

Restore innocence to the broken...

Here I am Lord, send me

In Him,

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