Friday, July 10, 2009

Hey guys,

I can still hardly believe that we are a little over a week away from our departure date. It has been an amazing journey these last few months as we have prepared for this trip. God's hand has been all over this through it all- from hotel rooms, plane tickets, destination changes, contacts, team members and fundraising, God has opened doors and put everything into place. It is amazing how much He has provided. I can't wait to see how He is going to work in the days to come.

As we get ready to leave, please keep us in your prayers. In case you don't know our team, I would like to introduce you to them. Please pray for us all. :)

Team Guatemala!

-Kris Spell
-Steve Spell
-Leshay Brannan
-Jon Gunder
-Matt Lombardi
-Courtney Sengstock
-Ashley Burdeshaw
-Bryan Nadeau

I would also ask that you would pray that God would provide more financial support for us as well. There have been so many people that have given to make this possible, and for that I thank you so much. However, we still need more money. So I would ask that if you or anyone that you know would be willing to donate to our team, please do. We would all appreciate it so much. Again all your gifts are tax deductable and can be sent to:

The Magdalene Project
930 Thomasville Rd. Suite 106
Tallahassee FL 32303

Thanks so much for your support!

8 days and counting...


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